Monday, April 13, 2020

my weekend

On Saturday I didn't do much. When I work up I had some coffee. I think one time I took the dog out. Then my mom and I walk the dog down the street. For a good part of the day, I was playing PS4. The game I played was one of the Call of Duty games. When I wasn't doing that I was watching stuff on Netflix and Youtube. One of the movies on Netflix I watch was called Olympus has Fallen. It's about a terrorist attack on the White House. Then on Youtube, I watch a couple car videos like people building them.

On Sunday did a lot more stuff. Again woke up and had some coffee. In the morning my family and I watched a live stream of mass. Then we had some breakfast. I found out that my dog was walking with a limp. I hung out with him for a little bit. Then he got better throughout the day. With also hanging out with my family for a little. After that played a little more Call of Duty. A couple hours later celebrated my mom's birthday and had dinner.

Reading: I'm reading this book called Refuge. It's about three kids living in bad times. There's one that is Jewish and the Nazis are taking his father away for practicing law in German.

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