Monday, April 13, 2020

my weekend

On Saturday I didn't do much. When I work up I had some coffee. I think one time I took the dog out. Then my mom and I walk the dog down the street. For a good part of the day, I was playing PS4. The game I played was one of the Call of Duty games. When I wasn't doing that I was watching stuff on Netflix and Youtube. One of the movies on Netflix I watch was called Olympus has Fallen. It's about a terrorist attack on the White House. Then on Youtube, I watch a couple car videos like people building them.

On Sunday did a lot more stuff. Again woke up and had some coffee. In the morning my family and I watched a live stream of mass. Then we had some breakfast. I found out that my dog was walking with a limp. I hung out with him for a little bit. Then he got better throughout the day. With also hanging out with my family for a little. After that played a little more Call of Duty. A couple hours later celebrated my mom's birthday and had dinner.

Reading: I'm reading this book called Refuge. It's about three kids living in bad times. There's one that is Jewish and the Nazis are taking his father away for practicing law in German.

Monday, March 9, 2020

my weekend

This weekend wasn't that boring. I had work only for one day. I helped just a couple people out. Also they had me greeting at the door. There where these coats that were from shipment that where all dusty. My friend and I had to take the plastic off and pait the dust off of the coats. Then after work I went to a place called like seen 75 or something. Its and arcade place with a bug bar in the middle and a go cart take on one side. Soon after went out for some food with friends. On Sunday I woke up later than usually. Drove home from a friends house. On the way home stopped at Mcdonalds. At Mcdonalds I got a large iced coffee and that was it. When I was going home the roads were hilly and windy in some parts. As soon as I got home went right into bed. I slapped for a little bit. When I woke up I got some food. I can't remember what I got but what I had for dinner I can remember. What I had for dinner was some fried macarons. After I went up stars and watched Netflix.

Reading Log: I have readed since the last blog yet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

my weekend

This weekend I did a lot. On Saturday went out to lunch with my family. At this place that serves breakfast food. Then a couple hours later my family and I went to the car show. We were there for a couple hours. After the car show we decided on Mexican for dinner. I directed to watch some Netflix for a long time.

Sunday didn't really do anything until three o'clock. That's when I had work. At work I helped people for a little bit. After I helped people I had to move shoes around. I had to move shoes are for like five hours. Then on Monday I went on a college visit with school. The college I visit was called Slippery Rock University. After the college I went to work again. When I was at work I pretty much did the exact thing.

Reading Log:I'm reading the book I Am Malala. The book is pretty good so far. I am learn a good amount of things I've known before. She talk about when she got shot. Also where she lives. Stuff about her school.
 Image result for i am malalaImage result for weekend word

Monday, February 24, 2020

my weekend

My weekend was somewhat event full. On Saturday I went down to Akron. I was there for my brothers track meet. Before we went to lunch. Then we went to an art gallery. The art gallery was a lot of stuff made from metal. After the art gallery we finally went to his meet. My mom and me had to sit there and wait like two hours to see my brother to run one race. A couple hours later I hung out with a friend.

Then on Sunday my mom and me to go return some stuff at some stores. We drove to my grandmas to give dog stuff to her. My mom and me stayed there and talked for a little. After we drove down to Cleveland for some lunch. There was a couple restraint down there we had choices. The place we had lunch was called the Joke Box. I had a cheeseburger and a bag a chips.

Reading log: Nate's father lost his job. Then his fired her dad lost his job too. Nate got put back to quarterback.